Product Picker Property

The Product Picker Property is a property which can be included in any EPiServer CMS page template. The property can be added to a page, making it possible for editors to select products from the product catalog, to be displayed in an EPiServer CMS content page using a predefined display template. The product information will be fetched from the product catalog.

When added to a page template, the product picker property will allow for editors to create links to product information from the product catalog, displaying product information in an ordinary page template.

Refer to the following items in the EPiServer Commerce sample site code to see how the product picker property is implemented:

An example of the usage of the Product Picker Property can be seen on the Favorite Products tab on the Home page page type on the sample site.


Version: EPiServer Commerce 1 R2 SP2| Last updated: 2012-09-20 | Copyright © EPiServer AB | Send feedback to us